Plaza Agreement Louvre Accord


The Plaza Agreement and Louvre Accord: Two Milestone Events in International Monetary History

The Plaza Agreement and Louvre Accord are two milestone events in the history of international monetary policy. Both agreements were signed by the Group of Five (G5) countries – the United States, Japan, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom – in the 1980s to manage exchange rates and stabilize the global economy. In this article, we will explore the Plaza Agreement and Louvre Accord, their significance, and their impact on the world economy.

The Plaza Agreement

The Plaza Agreement was signed in 1985 in New York City`s Plaza Hotel. At that time, the US dollar was overvalued against other major currencies, causing a trade imbalance between the US and its major trading partners. The Plaza Agreement aimed to reduce the value of the US dollar by increasing the value of other currencies, particularly the Japanese yen and the German Deutsche mark.

Under the Plaza Agreement, the G5 countries agreed to intervene in the foreign exchange markets to weaken the dollar. This was done through coordinated sales of US dollars, which led to a depreciation of the dollar against other currencies. The agreement was successful in achieving its objective, and the dollar`s value declined by approximately 50% against the yen and the mark within two years.

The Louvre Accord

The Louvre Accord was signed in 1987 in Paris at the Louvre Museum. It was a follow-up to the Plaza Agreement and aimed to stabilize exchange rates by setting target ranges for the major currencies. The G5 countries agreed to maintain their currencies within these target ranges and intervene in the foreign exchange markets if necessary to keep the rates stable.

The Louvre Accord reflected the success of the Plaza Agreement in reducing the value of the US dollar. It also acknowledged the need for a more coordinated approach to managing exchange rates to promote international trade and investment. The accord was successful in stabilizing exchange rates, and the G5 countries continued to cooperate on monetary policy until 1994.

Impact on the Global Economy

The Plaza Agreement and Louvre Accord had significant impacts on the global economy. The Plaza Agreement reduced the value of the US dollar, making US goods cheaper and more competitive in global markets. This led to an increase in US exports and a reduction in the US trade deficit, which had been a major concern for the US government.

The Louvre Accord helped stabilize exchange rates, which reduced uncertainty for investors and promoted international trade. It also signaled a shift towards a more coordinated approach to monetary policy, which laid the foundation for future international cooperation on financial issues.


The Plaza Agreement and Louvre Accord were two important milestones in the history of international monetary policy. They reflected the need for the major economies to work together to manage exchange rates and stabilize the global economy. These agreements helped reduce trade imbalances, promote international trade, and increase economic stability. They also paved the way for future cooperation on financial issues and established a framework for managing global economic challenges.
