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    When it comes to writing in German, using proper grammar and vocabulary is essential. One common phrase that people often use in both spoken and written German is “to be in agreement”. The German language has two main phrases that can be used to express agreement. These phrases are “Einhellig sein” and “Übereinstimmen”. In this article, we will explore how these phrases are used and when to use each one.

    The phrase “Einhellig sein” means to be in unanimous agreement. This phrase is used to express the idea that everyone involved in a decision or discussion is in complete agreement with each other. This phrase is often used in formal settings such as business meetings, political negotiations or religious gatherings.

    For example, you can use this phrase to say, “Wir sind einhellig der Meinung, dass diese Entscheidung der beste Weg nach vorne ist”, which means “We are all in unanimous agreement that this decision is the best way forward”.

    On the other hand, the phrase “Übereinstimmen” means to be in agreement or to correspond with each other. This phrase is used to describe a situation where two or more people, ideas, or things are in agreement with each other. This phrase is often used in everyday conversations and informal settings.

    For example, you can use this phrase to say, “Meine Meinung stimmt mit der Meinung meines Kollegen überein”, which means “My opinion is in agreement with my colleague`s opinion”.

    When it comes to choosing between these two phrases, it`s important to consider the context of the situation. If you are in a formal setting where you want to express complete agreement, “Einhellig sein” would be the appropriate phrase to use. However, if you are in a casual conversation, “Übereinstimmen” is the better choice.

    In conclusion, knowing how to express agreement properly in German can be a valuable skill in both formal and informal settings. Whether you use the phrase “Einhellig sein” or “Übereinstimmen”, it`s important to use the correct phrase in the right context to ensure effective communication.